Clash of the Titles
MidAmeriCon II and Clash of the Titles
A number of those involved in the Clash of the Titles will be attending MidAmericon II. The panels listed below include anthology editor Gil Bavel and anthology contributors Allan Dyen-Shapiro and D. Avraham.
Clash of Titles: A Workshopped Anthology
Thursday 10:00 – 11:00, 3501B (Kansas City Convention Center)
Clash of Titles is an anthology of speculative fiction stories that began as a list of prospective titles. Each author claimed a title and then wrote their story in a workshop environment. Gil James Bavel, publisher and editor of the anthology, “Clash of the Titles” and some of the writers that took part in the video chat workshop process will be on hand to explain how the anthology took shape and take questions.
Gil Bavel (M), Allan Dyen-Shapiro, D. Avraham
Edison’s Concrete Piano
Thursday 17:00 – 18:00, 2207 (Kansas City Convention Center)
Even the greatest minds have some pretty strange ideas. In 1911, Edison decided to create a concrete piano. What other great, or extremely bizarre ideas have found their way to the US patent office? A look at the oddities that people have imagined.
Bill Higgins (M), Dr. Jordin Kare, Allan Dyen-Shapiro, Howard Davidson
Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, and Other Forms of Intellectual Property
Friday 10:00 – 11:00, 2502B – A/V (Kansas City Convention Center)
A look at the purpose of patents, copyrights, and trademarks. What is their historical purpose, how is the need for them changing, and where will they go in the future?
Cory Doctorow, Eric Flint, Allan Dyen-Shapiro, Sarah Frost, Lisa Macklem
Living in a Cyberpunk Society
Friday 11:00 – 12:00, 2208 (Kansas City Convention Center)
We may not be able to jack in directly, but we are part of the Cyberfuture. When technology thrives but society decays, seemingly dystopic worlds arise. To what extent is our world a cyberpunk universe and what more can we expect to happen to take us there?
Ms Pat Cadigan, Lyda Morehouse, Allan Dyen-Shapiro, Takayuki Tatsumi, Catherine Lundoff (M)
Clash of Titles: A Workshopped Anthology
Thursday 10:00 – 11:00, 3501B (Kansas City Convention Center)
Clash of Titles is an anthology of speculative fiction stories that began as a list of prospective titles. Each author claimed a title and then wrote their story in a workshop environment. Gil James Bavel, publisher and editor of the anthology, “Clash of the Titles” and some of the writers that took part in the video chat workshop process will be on hand to explain how the anthology took shape and take questions.
Gil Bavel (M), Allan Dyen-Shapiro, D. Avraham
Edison’s Concrete Piano
Thursday 17:00 – 18:00, 2207 (Kansas City Convention Center)
Even the greatest minds have some pretty strange ideas. In 1911, Edison decided to create a concrete piano. What other great, or extremely bizarre ideas have found their way to the US patent office? A look at the oddities that people have imagined.
Bill Higgins (M), Dr. Jordin Kare, Allan Dyen-Shapiro, Howard Davidson
Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, and Other Forms of Intellectual Property
Friday 10:00 – 11:00, 2502B – A/V (Kansas City Convention Center)
A look at the purpose of patents, copyrights, and trademarks. What is their historical purpose, how is the need for them changing, and where will they go in the future?
Cory Doctorow, Eric Flint, Allan Dyen-Shapiro, Sarah Frost, Lisa Macklem
Living in a Cyberpunk Society
Friday 11:00 – 12:00, 2208 (Kansas City Convention Center)
We may not be able to jack in directly, but we are part of the Cyberfuture. When technology thrives but society decays, seemingly dystopic worlds arise. To what extent is our world a cyberpunk universe and what more can we expect to happen to take us there?
Ms Pat Cadigan, Lyda Morehouse, Allan Dyen-Shapiro, Takayuki Tatsumi, Catherine Lundoff (M)